
Posts uit augustus, 2020 tonen

elementaryOS | Things I Do After Installing elementary OS Hera

           First Things First Enable PPA sudo apt update sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https curl Install apt-fast [Yes! it's really fast] sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:apt-fast/stable sudo apt -y install apt-fast echo $' \n alias apt="apt-fast" ' >> ~ /.bashrc source ~ /.bashrc Update OS # use "sudo apt" if you're skipping 'Install apt-fast' apt upgrade Install git apt install git Cleanup OS apt autoremove -y && apt autoclean -y     UI Tweaks Bring back Tray icons ( why did they remove it? ) wget wget sudo dpkg -i com.github.lafydev.wingpanel-indicator-ayatana_2.0ubuntu6_amd64.deb indicator-application-patched....

Breathe new life into an aging PC

 One of the most popular lightweight Linux-based operating systems is Linux Lite. Heck, the name of the distribution tells you that it is designed to use few resources! Version 5 is now available, and as per usual, it is based on the latest Ubuntu LTS -- 20.04. The Xfce desktop environment will feel familiar to those switching from Windows. Those new to Linux will also appreciate the easy access to many popular programs, such as Skype, Steam, and Spotify. Even the excellent Microsoft Office alternative, LibreOffice, is included.    If you want to download Linux Lite 5, system requirements are very meager -- a 64-bit 1Ghz processor, 768MB memory, and just 8GB of storage space. Those with 32-bit processors are left out of the party, and they should probably consider buying a new computer at this point.  Linux Lite is a Linux distribution, based on Debian and Ubuntu and created by a team led by Jerry Bezencon. The distribution offers a lightweight desktop e...

How to Download MP3 Tracks from a YouTube Video Using YouTube-DL

    Youtube-dl has quite an extensive "help" page and if you want to review it, simply type:   # youtube-dl --help   To download a video as mp3 file, you can use one of the following commands: # youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3

GNOME calendar installed but there is a problem, it is not the default calendar and I can not select it?

  Open Terminal: locate mimeapps . list Find the path starting with home: /home/user_name/.config/mimeapps.list Then run the below commands. vim / home / user_name /. config / mimeapps . list or gedit / home / user_name /. config / mimeapps . list (both vim and gedit allow you to edit text files) paste text/calendar=org.gnome.Calendar.desktop under the last application in the default application list Save the file and run the below command: gio mime text / calendar Note the following And lastly check your default applications under the settings:

Fastest mirrors and update on Manjaro

  Update mirrorlist with the fastest mirrors sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack && sudo pacman -Syyu Limit to 5 mirrors An optional number can be supplied to limit the number of mirrors in the mirrorlist sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5 && sudo pacman -Syyu

Enable TRIM for SSD on Manjaro

  TRIM is a program that helps to clean blocks in your SSD and thus use it more efficiently and extend the SSD’s life. Many computers today have an SSD, if this is your case, then enabling TRIM is one thing you need to do after installing Manjaro. To enable TRIM on Manjaro, run the following command in a terminal: sudo systemctl enable fstrim.timer Enabling TRIM in Manjaro After that, you need to restart the system for the changes to take place. By enabling trim, you will extend the lifespan of your SSD.

Reduce swappiness on Manjaro

  Reduce swappiness  S wappiness is to optimize the use of Swap and RAM. And it allows establishing the balance between both. By default when Manjaro uses a lot of the RAM memory it starts writing some files into the swap partition on your hard drive. The problem with this is the hard disk is slower than the RAM, so this makes the system slower. You can reduce the use of swap and use more RAM instead. First, check the default swappiness value. Run in a terminal: cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness Showing the default value of the Swappiness The default value is 60, which is too conservative. I recommend changing the value to 10 if you have more than 4GB of RAM. To do this you need to create the file /etc/sysctl.d/100-manjaro.conf . Run this command: sudo nano /etc/sysctl.d/100-manjaro.conf In the file, you have to put the following: vm.swappiness=10 Setting the value of the Swappiness on 10 Now, CTRL+O to save and CTRL+X to close the file. In order ...