How should I install the zen kernel in Arch?
Open a terminal and run the command below
yay -S linux-zen
After it completes, update grub entries by running command
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Now when you reboot, you will see new entries in your grub menu. Choose Linux Zen from the menu. Installing Linux Zen will not remove your old kernels. You can keep multiple kernels at a time and you can choose at boot which one to use.
To remove, simply run,
yay -R linux-zen
Then run the grub config generation command i gave above.
If you're switching from the arch kernel and you have external kernel modules, like the nvidia proprietary driver and virtualbox modules and whatnot, make sure you are using the dkms version of those packages and that you also have the linux-zen-headers package installed otherwise you're going to have a rough time.
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