Siduction - The rolling Debian alternative
Siduction - what you need to know Siduction was created in July 2011 from the former Aptosid Community. But before that there were already stations. From Knoppix to sidux to aptosid to Siduction. A mature roadmap one would think. What is the difference between Siduction and Debian? First, much of both distros are equivalent. The minor differences are that Siduction is a rolling Debian distro with graphical installer, Debian on the other hand does not offer Sid as a direct ISO output. To install Debian Sid you either have to install stable first and convert it to Sid via testing or you install Sid with the mini installer. If you are interested in these two options, please have a look at my two videos. Links in the description below. In short, if you want to have a rolling Debian system, Siduction is a much easier and faster way. Siduction also comes with its own kernel and scripts and offers support via forum and IRC. In case you are wondering how the name Siduction came about, the name...